Here's an interesting deal that doesn't happen a lot.
I just got a short sale approved that has a 1st mortgage and a 2nd mortgage on it. The house has been listed for several months and I have been dropping the price steadily to get an offer. I finally got one and was able to start the process.
Here's the amounts that were owed:
1st Mortgage = $137,000 (approx.)
2nd Mortgage = $55,000 (approx.)
It is listed at $129,000 and I cannot disclose the offer amount. You can see just from the numbers that the 2nd is the one taking the big hit on this deal.
I got the 1st approved fairly painlessly because the Broker Price Opinion (BPO) came in where we needed it to.
The 2nd was rather difficult. I had them getting $5,000 out of the deal which is pretty high for a 2nd to get. If the property goes into foreclosure, the 2nd gets a big fat -0-! The 1st was okay with them getting $5,000 and had put that in the approval letter that they sent me. Problem: 2nd COUNTERED AT $15,000!! Ugh!
Here's where a lot of negotiators throw in the towel and just call it a "dead" deal. That certainly wouldn't help my 95% + success rate, so here's how I took care of it.
1. I spoke with the 1st to see where their stance was. They were not budging on that amount. They informed me that the 2nd will see -0- when it forecloses in October. Lovely, huh!? They also informed me that the Seller would have to come up with the difference. So my wheels got spinning and I rephrased what they said and asked them if the Buyer came up with the amount, could we get a new approval with the purchase price reflecting that, etc? They said "fine."
2. I called the 2nd and told them that I "thought" I could get them $10,000 if they could get me an approval for that amount. They actually said yes and sent me over a letter agreeing to release the lien for $10,000.
3. I called the Buyers' Agent and checked if they could come up $5,000 plus dollars (the plus covers the slight change in commissions) and they were totally on-board as I had explained everything in full detail throughout the process. If the Buyers Agent knows what's going on at all times, it really makes it easier to get changes made if needed.
4. I went back to the first and asked them for a new approval with the purchase price being raised, the net being the same, and any information pertaining to the 2nd being removed. They got it to me right away.
Now we are working on getting it closed! I hope that helps some of you that are having trouble around a Short Sale with 2 mortgages - they sure can be sticky!
- JD White
"The Short Sale Guru"
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